We listen first and then we provide parents with insight, depth of knowledge and compassion. Our guiding principle is always on the whole child and the uniqueness of each family.
Our Approach
As a school principal and special education consultant for over 30 years, Nancy is an expert in prioritizing the “whole child”. Her collaborative and calming approach supports parents when they are facing key educational decisions.
Nancy’s philosophy leads to a very collaborative approach between parents, children, schools and various professionals. Nancy is an ambassador for children, and with her expertise in all areas of education she ensures that your child’s needs, strengths, interests and well-being are addressed.
Nancy holds a Master’s degree in Communicative Disorders and Learning Disabilities from Northwestern University in Chicago, a Bachelor of Education and Principal’s Qualifications from the University of Toronto and IB Heads of Schools training. Additionally, she has trained and taught with a number of professional organizations and specialists in all areas of education including: Early Years, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Giftedness, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD and Executive Functioning challenges.
“ As a parent I have had the opportunity to observe first hand Nancy’s commitment and sensitivity to the needs of each student, as well as her ability to communicate effectively with parents. Nancy possesses an extensive knowledge of the education system and the special needs of students. This enables her to develop effective individualized plans that lead to positive solutions for the student. I highly recommend Nancy as an Educational Consultant.”
- Serena C., parent